Hi girls! Since I got bored of my one-sized normal, blond hair, I went to the hairdresser yesterday. I had heard since a long time about dip dye and saw some pics of doing it the other way around: dark dip dyed hair would be definitely something for me ! The hairdresser told me that no one ever had asked him to dipdye their hair with a darker colour, because normally dipdying is based on bleaching the points of your hair. I was very excited about how it would look, but I can say I'm really glad with it. I think it's beautiful and it fits my personality well, since this dark dipdye style isn't something every one among us would chose for! My friend who also runs a facebook page and is a beginning photographer (however I think she's already great), named
Streetshots, afterwards shooted my outfit. You can find these pics also on her page! The skirt and blouse are both from Zara, and I can tell I'm in love with the leather skirt! It gives a somewhat edgy look to the chique blouse. I combinated the ensemble with open stockings from Pinko and the killer heel ankle boots from Alberto Guardiani, which I bought in Budapest. Those are my favourite heels to wear, comfy or not, especially with this skirt!The cap I thought it matched the outfit well with the leopard print. I'm curious to know what you think about my hair! Hope you like the pictures, keep you posted!
PS: Don't forget to follow my
facebook page (counting the days for 1000 likes!) and Instagram account princessblairdiary !
Skirt & Blouse: Zara // Boots: Alberto Guardiani // Stockings: Pinko // Leather jacket: Karen Millen // Tiger necklace: Rita&Zia